Illustrator Helen Stephens is sat in the snow drawing from life in her sketchbook. #walktosee art teacher, educator, sketchbooking, drawing.

I started the hashtag #walktosee to celebrate drawings made from life in a sketchbook. I think at the moment it has about 67,000 contributions, which blows my mind.

Drawing in a sketchbook by illustrator Helen Stephens.  Drawing at the seaside. Burnmouth in Scotland. Crayon, ink, dip pen.

When I first started in publishing I decided that, ‘Now I am a PROPER illustrator I have to get my head down and meet my deadlines. Playing in my sketchbook is frivolous.’

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

After a year or two of artistic direction from publishers, and no time for creative play, I felt bent out of shape. I wasn’t enjoying my work any more.

I took a year out, determined to work out a bridge between my sketchbook work and my illustration, and find a truer voice. It was a nerve-wracking time. I lived on my small royalties, and lots of pasta and fish fingers.

I worried publisher’s wouldn’t like my new work, but the opposite was true. I think people can see when you are enjoying yourself, it shows in the drawing.

Now I always make time to play in my sketchbooks

Getting outside and drawing from life is like a magic reset button.

If I'm struggling to feel inspired I get out with my sketchbook. If it rains or snows, or I am feeling uncomfortable: even better. There’s no time to overthink and the results can be unpredictable, which I like.

I’m not choosy about the subject matter, I draw whatever’s going on around me. I usually start with a few speedy, over-excited drawings, then settle down and relax, and eventually I get fed up and want to go home. But I don’t, because I know that’s when the good stuff happens.

I don’t put pressure on these drawings to turn into picture book ideas, although sometimes they do.

Drawing Outside Feels Good. Here’s the maths:

The feeling of flow while drawing + The extra boost of being in the elements = Happy human!

I started the Instagram hashtag #walktosee to celebrate drawings made from life in a sketchbook.

There are lots of drawings of kids, holidays, dogs, lots of domesticity and insights into people’s lives, which I love - because I am nosy.

Drawing of a girl heating food in a pan on a stove, in a hut at the sea at Alnmouth. By Helen Stephens, author, illustrator, educator. #walktosee. Drawn from life in a sketchbook. Inky watery line.

#walktosee has become a really lovely supportive community of illustrators. Sometimes people get together for #walktosee sketching trips.

I feature one drawing almost every day on my Insta stories, and sometimes I do a big roundup of my favourites at the weekend. So it's a great way for you to find new followers.

And if you follow the hashtag you’ll find lots of amazing sketchbookers to be pals with.

How to join in:

take a photo of your drawing made from life in a sketchbook and post it on Instagram using the hashtag #walktosee

Easy peasy!

I made you a printable thing

It’s full of handy sketchbooking tips such as: stop before you're finished, bring the wrong stuff and have a word with yourself. Print it out, stick it in your sketchbook. Sign up to my Pencil Pals newsletter and it will arrive in your welcome email.


